Friday 25 September 2015

Kindred, The Eternal Hunters

One aspect of League of Legends that I love is the fact Riot Games is constantly striving to improve the game through patch balances and new additions to the game. They recently revealed the next champion that they are releasing, a character know as Kindred. Kindred is unique among the cast of League champions, as it is comprised of two individuals; Lamb, the stoic archer, and Wolf, the savage spirit.

Riot Games
The lore for Kindred is immensely interesting, as it is revealed that they used to be one being (Most liking the physical representation of Death in this mythos). Everyone ran from this being, as no one wanted to meet with Death. This caused Death to become lonely, so he split himself in the middle. This resulted in his personality being split as well. Lamb, the physical female personality, hunts the souls of those to die and gives them a peaceful rest if they go to death willingly. She has a long memory but lacks many emotions. Wolf, the spirit-formed male personality, tracks down the souls of those who try to escape death and give them an awfully painful death. He leaves memories for Lamb, focusing on the present and the hunt at hand. He is also more playful than Lamb, but brutal.
Official Splash Art
The other aspect of League that I love is the community involved in it. The artistic talent of people all over the world comes together and creates such amazing pieces of art. Kindred's release was less than a week ago, and the internet is already exploding with art about Lamb and Wolf (The furry community has been fairly kind too, and there isn't a crap-ton of porn about them. Yet.) 
Also by Inkiness
By Inkiness



There is already so much more art out there about Kindred since I went and collected these few images. Feel free to Google some art, and let me know if you find some really cool interpretations of Kindred. Or send me some art you've found about your favourite champion in League.


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